What was this engagement about?
From March 2023 through December 2024, the Province collected feedback as part of its overall work to design an effective system of services for children and youth with support needs. This engagement was inclusive of families, service providers, advocates, experts, those with lived experience, First Nations, and Indigenous Peoples. A report capturing public feedback will follow in 2025.
Engagement timelines: March 1, 2023 to December 1, 2024
How did people participate
There were numerous engagement initiatives for different audiences and partners – including:
- All families and people with lived experience
- First Nations rights and titleholders
- Urban Indigenous, Métis, Inuit and historically underrepresented groups
- Service providers and sector partners
Learn more about how the public was included in this process
There were multiple opportunities for individuals, organizations and advocates to contribute their perspective to the development of a provincial children and youth with support needs service delivery model.
All feedback received will be used to inform a new system of services for children and youth with support needs (CYSN services) in BC.
Online feedback form
Perspectives and experiences were shared through a short feedback form that asked: When thinking about what you need from a new system of services for children and youth with support needs, what is most important?
Written Submissions
All British Columbians, including families, service providers, organizations, professionals, and Indigenous communities were invited to submit their ideas for what a new effective system of CYSN services should look like in B.C.
Online discussions
People in British Columbia shared their thoughts and perspective through open discussions on important topics related to CYSN services.
Symposium speaker series
From November to December 2023, a speaker series was held to allow for participants to be connected to experts and learn more about evolving concepts that impact service delivery.
Community Engagement Report Out Form
Partners who conducted engagements related to CYSN Services over 2023 and 2024 were able to share their findings through this form. The form closed on December 1, 2024.
CYSN Pilot Evaluation
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has engaged MNP LLP, a business consulting and advisory firm, in partnership with the Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC), to conduct an evaluation of pilot CYSN services including:
- Goal-Focused and Developmental Services delivered by Pilot Family Connections Centres.
- Disability Services and Provincial Services delivered through MCFD.
MNP and SPARC BC are working independently of MCFD. An evaluation report is expected in 2025.
Next steps
The feedback from this engagement will help us understand people’s experiences and inform the future of services for children and youth with support needs and their families in BC.