What is this engagement about?
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is proposing to replace the existing George Massey Tunnel with a new, eight-lane immersed tube tunnel. After successfully completing the Early Engagement phase of the Environmental Assessment, the Project received a positive Readiness Decision on September 14, 2023, and is now in the Process Planning phase. This phase provides an opportunity for Indigenous nations, the public, and stakeholders to determine how they want to be engaged and involved in the process.
Process planning timeline: November 15 to December 15, 2023
The proposed Fraser River Tunnel Project includes a new, eight-lane immersed tube tunnel that will replace the existing George Massey Tunnel on Highway 99. The new tunnel will have three vehicle lanes and a dedicated transit lane in each direction, with a separated active transportation corridor for cyclists and pedestrians.
The project also includes:
- Replacing the Deas Slough Bridge
- Removing the existing tunnel once the new immersed tube tunnel is in operation
How to participate
Attend an in-person open house
- Tuesday November 21, 2023 | 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm | John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse 7277 River Road, Richmond
- Wednesday November 22, 2023 | 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Coast Tsawwassen Inn, 1665 56 Street, Delta
Share your comments
Feedback was accepted directly by the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) between November 15 and December 15, 2023.
Next steps
At the end of Process Planning, the Environmental Assessment Office will issue The Process Order to set the scope, procedures, and methods of the Environmental Assessment. We will continue to engage local and regional governments, Indigenous nations, and the public on the Project to ensure everyone is updated as the project progresses.