About the project
The new toll-free eight-lane immersed tube tunnel will:
- Replace the existing George Massey Tunnel on Highway 99
- Provide three vehicle lanes and a dedicated transit lane in each direction
- Feature a separated multi-use pathway for cyclists and pedestrians that connects to active transportation routes on both sides of the Fraser River
- Maintain Fraser River navigational channel clearances
The Project also includes:
- New Deas Slough Bridge
- Retiring the existing tunnel once the new tunnel is in operation
- New connections to Highway 99 between Steveston Highway and Highway 17A

Project benefits

The new eight-lane tunnel will:
- Offer a safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists
- Provide better access for emergency vehicles
- Meet current seismic standards

Active transportation
The new tunnel will include a dedicated path for pedestrians and cyclists for the first time. It will:
- Be fully separated from vehicles
- Offer weather protection
- Connect to local bike networks

The new eight-lane tunnel will improve reliability for all travelers, resulting in average speeds of 80 km/h along the corridor (compared to 30 km/h today) by:
- Increasing capacity from four to eight lanes
- Adding shoulders and wider lanes
- Removing the inefficient counterflow system

Transit-only lanes between Ladner Trunk Road and Westminster Highway will:
- Make bus trips faster, safer and more reliable
- Support future bus rapid transit service
- Ensure public transit is a convenient option