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Who: The Ministry of Forests
What: New land use objectives and forest management plans for the Lakes planning area
Where: Skeena region
Why: To modernize and improve land use practices
How: Online
Engagement Summary
The goal of the Lakes Resiliency Project is to develop a sustainable forest management plan in the Skeena region. It is a pilot project that will:
- Amend land use objectives
- Produce a forest landscape plan that aligns with the new changes to the Forest and Range Practices Act
All aspects of this forest management plan are being completed in collaboration with First Nations
We sought public review and comment on the current condition report for the Lakes planning area.
The current condition report identifies:
- Current forest management practices
- The impact of those current practices
- Natural disturbances on the landbase
We want to hear your comments or concerns on current management and how those practices could be improved.
Learn more about the Lakes Resiliency Project here.
Read the current conditions report (PDF, 8MB).
Read the current conditions report summary (PDF, 500KB).
Read the results of the public engagement: What We Heard (PDF, 300KB)