BC Arts Council Strategic Plan Survey
Engagement Summary
In 2009, the BC Arts Council (BCAC) released its 2009-2013 Strategic Plan which provided the Council’s overarching goals and strategic priorities.
As part of the process of developing the 2014-2018 Strategic Plan, BCAC began with consultation meetings with Advisory Committees, followed by an invitation for citizens and stakeholders to complete a short, online survey covering a variety of topics including:
• Fulfillment of the BCAC mandate;
• Factors that will affect the arts and culture community; and
• Council’s support for individual artists and arts and cultural organizations.
The information gathered through the survey was critical in developing the 2013-2017 Strategic Plan and has helped to establish the priorities of the BC Arts Council.
Engagement Timeframe:
December 1 to December 17, 2012
Input Received:
• There were over 500 respondents to the online survey, reflecting a cross-section of disciplines, community interests, age groups and experience in the arts;
• Nine facilitated sessions with Advisory Committee members; and
• Consultation with BC Arts Council staff.
Input leads to action:
As a direct result of the feedback heard throughout this consultation the 2014-2018 Strategic Plan aims to clarify the previously stated goals and create more focused strategies to achieve them. Overall, the objective is to ensure that the sector remains relevant, resilient and sustainable in this changing environment while maintaining excellence in artistic achievement and strong community engagement.
Inspired by the information collected through this survey, the BCAC has conducted a council-wide program review of all its operating funding and is in the process of implementing recommendations for improvements to program delivery. Feedback from the sector and the community at large has been instrumental in the development of these recommendations and grant recipients will benefit directly from their suggestions.