Environmental Assessment Reviewable Projects Regulation
Engagement Summary
The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) developed a new Reviewable Projects Regulation (RPR) to replace the current RPR. This regulation sets out the criteria for determining which projects should be reviewable and required to undergo an environmental assessment (EA). EAs are conducted across Canada by provinces, territories and the federal government to assist in determining whether proposed major projects should proceed to construction and, if so, under which terms and conditions. In British Columbia, the EAO assesses major projects for potential environmental, social, economic, health and heritage effects.
The EAO sought public feedback on the proposed regulation through an Intentions Paper that set out the current policy recommendations for the new proposed RPR, including proposed Reviewable Project criteria as well as supporting appendices.
Updates to the Reviewable Projects Regulation are part of Environmental Assessment Revitalization – an initiative to modernize the way British Columbia conducts environmental assessments to ensure the rights of First Nations are respected, and the public’s expectation of a strong, transparent process is met.
For more information visit the Environmental Assessment Revitalization website.
Engagement Timeframe
September 6 to October 15, 2019
Input received
- 1,500 completed online surveys
- 30 formal submissions from organizations and Indigenous nations
Input leads to action:
A What We Heard Report has been released that outlines the themes of feedback we heard from the public, in addition to the themes we heard from 30 formal submissions from Indigenous nations, industry, NGOs, and others. To see how your concerns were reflected in the new Reviewable Projects Regulation, please see Appendix II of the report: What We Heard Response Table.