Haida Gwaii Marine Plan
What was this engagement about?
The Council of the Haida Nation and the Province of British Columbia invited feedback on the Haida Gwaii draft Marine Plan during the public review period, which ran from April 2 – May 21, 2014.
The draft plan is part of the Marine Planning Partnership (MaPP) initiative. MaPP is a co-led partnership between the Province of British Columbia and 18 member First Nations working to create plans for marine uses and long-term ocean health on the North Pacific Coast. The Haida Gwaii plan area encompasses the archipelago of approximately 150 islands located 100 kilometres west of the north coast of British Columbia. The chain of islands extends roughly 250 kilometres from its southern tip to its northernmost point and includes the communities of Old Massett, Masset, Port Clements, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte and Sandspit.
The draft plan reflects substantive input from the Haida Marine Work Group and the Haida Gwaii Marine Advisory Committee which includes stakeholders with expertise in a range of marine sectors. In addition, a science advisory committee has provided expert technical and scientific knowledge and advice in the development of background material that has informed the draft sub-regional plans.
This draft plan is not intended to address management of uses and activities that the province considers to be federal government jurisdiction. However, where there is overlap or shared jurisdiction, ecosystem-based management priorities or marine spatial planning priorities, these topics are discussed. The intent is that issues requiring federal government involvement would be subject to consultations with the federal government.
The Haida Gwaii draft Marine Plan focuses on marine areas and uses where, as between the Government of British Columbia and Canada, the Government of British Columbia has legal jurisdiction and regulatory authority – namely the foreshore (i.e., the intertidal zone), coastal “inland waters” on the outer coast, and the lands covered by these waters. The Haida Nation, under the authority of the Haida Constitution, is responsible for ensuring that natural and cultural heritage of Haida territory is passed on to future generations.
The Haida Gwaii draft Marine Plan will provide recommendations for key areas of marine management – including uses, activities and protection – and will inform decisions regarding the sustainable economic development and stewardship of Haida Gwaii’s coastal marine environment.
How can my contribution make a difference?
The Haida Nation and the Province of British Columbia wanted to hear from those who care about the ocean environment, and whose living depends on the ocean.
Citizens were invited to comment online before May 21, 2014 by visiting the MaPP website or the Council of the Haida Nation website at Haidanation.ca, or by attending public meeting in Sandspit (April 14), Old Massett (April 15), Skidegate (April 16), and Port Clements (April 17).
Details of the Engagement:
Date: April 2 – May 21, 2014
Status: Closed
Location: North Coast
Category: Environmental Protection
Types: In-person, Online