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Who: The Ministry of Transportation
What: Improvements to Highway 7 at Harris Road
Where: Pitt Meadows, B.C.
Why: Intersection designs that would enhance safety, accessibility, and travel times
How: Online, in-person, email
Engagement Summary
People living and working in Pitt Meadows and area and those who rely on the Lougheed Highway for travel are invited to comment on a conceptual design for improvements to the Highway 7/Harris Road intersection.
Harris Road is an important north/south route for people who live and work in Pitt Meadows, while the Lougheed Highway is a key regional trade and commuter corridor. The conceptual design for intersection improvements would improve safety by reducing conflict at the intersection, improve connections within the community through transit and active transportation investments, and reduce travel times.
The proposed project includes constructing two new intersections:
- One on Harris Road 150 metres north of the existing intersection
- One on Highway 7 approximately 200 metres west of Harris Road
The public engagement period was from March 27 to April 24, 2023, and included:
- Sharing information about the Highway 7 at Harris Road Improvements concept design and next steps in finalizing the design.
- Seeking information from those traveling this segment of the Highway 7 corridor to better understand travel mode and use.
- Inviting input, comments, and questions on the concept design to be considered by the Project Team in helping finalize the project design.
How your contribution makes a difference
Feedback received will be considered by the ministry’s project team as it moves toward final design. The project team will continue to engage local and regional governments to support additional technical analysis and will provide updates to the public as the project design progresses.
Please visit the project webpage for more information: gov.bc.ca/Highway7Harris