Inkaneep Park Management Planning
What was this engagement about?
BC Parks and Shared Services BC proposed changes to the boundary of Inkaneep Provincial Park, near Oliver, B.C. The proposal was to create a new secondary access road to the Senkulmen Business Park located on the Osoyoos Indian Reserve and the proposed Okanagan Correctional Centre. Total park land required for the road project is estimated at approximately 0.28 hectares. As a potential mitigation measure for the boundary modification, it was proposed to add approximately 0.85 hectares in other areas of the park.
Proposals to amend the boundaries of provincial parks are reviewed under the Provincial Protected Areas Boundary Adjustment Policy, Process and Guidelines.
How did my contribution make a difference?
The public was invited to share their views, and help guide the parks management planning process and ensure that the public’s perspectives were heard.
Details of the Engagement:
Date: January 7, 2013
Status: Closed
Location: Thompson/Okanagan
Category: Environment
Types: Email, Mail, In person