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Who: The Ministry of Forests
What: Timber supply area review
Where: Near Lillooet, B.C.
Why: Four objectives listed below
How: Email
Engagement Summary
B.C. reviews the timber supply for all timber supply areas (TSA) and tree farm licences (TFL). This review for the Lillooet Timber Supply Area examines current forest management practices and their impacts on:
- Timber supply
- Economy
- Environment
- Social conditions
The Lillooet Timber Supply Area is in B.C.’s southwestern region of the Thompson-Okanagan Plateau.
Based on this review, the chief forester will determine a new allowable annual cut (AAC) for the Lillooet Timber Supply Area.
Objectives of the Lillooet Timber Supply Review are to:
- Examine management practices
- Examine environmental and social factors
- Receive input from First Nations, forest licensees, and the public
- Set a new Allowable Annual Cut for the Lillooet TSA
This engagement was open for comments and feedback until 11:59pm (PST) on October 18, 2022
How your contribution makes a difference
Input received from this engagement will be used to inform the allowable annual cut for the Lillooet TSA.
For more information on the timber supply review process: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/forestry/stewardship/forest-analysis-inventory/tsr-annual-allowable-cut/tsr_backgrounder_apr_2021.pdf
5 email responses.