Monarch Mountain / A Xéegi Deiyi Conservancy Management Planning
What was this engagement about?
BC Parks and the Taku River Tlingit First Nation are developing a management plan for Monarch Mountain/A Xéegi Deiyi Conservancy.
The Monarch Mountain/A Xéegi Deiyi Conservancy is located in the northwest corner of British Columbia, immediately southeast of the town of Atlin. The conservancy is 424 hectares in size and protects the western slopes and the plateau of Monarch Mountain. Established on July 6, 2012, the conservancies expressly recognize the importance of these natural areas to First Nations for food, social and ceremonial purposes.
How did my contribution make a difference?
BC Parks invited citizens to review and comment on the draft management plan. At this stage in the planning process citizens had the opportunity to provide information, express opinions, suggest alternatives and have their say on how the protected area will be managed.
Details of the Engagement:
Date: November 8, 2013
Status: Closed
Location: North Coast
Category: Environmental Protection
Types: Online, Email, Mail