Provincial Scholarships
Engagement Summary
The Ministry of Education’s scholarships and awards review is an opportunity to ensure BC Education System aligns with the new directions in education transformation as outlined in the BC Education Plan. The plan’s vision is to create a more flexible and dynamic education system where students are more engaged and better prepared for life’s journey.
The Ministry of Education invited feedback from parents, students, employers, school counsellors, teachers, and administrators about updating and modernizing the Grade 10-12 scholarships and awards. The goal of the review was to better recognize and support students’ accomplishments and circumstances.
February 3 – March 10, 2015
Input Received:
There were:
- 1,502 surveys
- 1,133 Phone polls
- 3,291 visit to site
Input Leads to Action:
The Provincial Awards Program Review Report summarized the consultation results and made nine guiding recommendations to support a redesign of the Provincial Awards Program and 10 additional recommendations for the ministry’s consideration. Specific changes will be phased in starting in the 2015/16 school year and be fully implemented in the 2016/17 school year. Important changes include:
Important changes include:
- The program’s purpose has been revised as follows: to recognize student achievement and encourage students to pursue post-secondary education
- Under the revised program, all scholarships will be vouchers to be used upon registration and payment of tuition at a designated post-secondary institution
- Graduation Program Examinations Scholarships will be phased out. Final allocation will be to graduates in the 2015/16 school year
- District/Authority Scholarships will consist of vouchers only. A new area of recognition has been added: Indigenous Languages and Culture
- A new BC Excellence Scholarship will be launched for graduates in the 2015/16 school year
- A new BC Achievement Scholarship will be launched for graduates in the 2015/16 school year
- Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) students are eligible for the SSA Award; however it is no longer being administered under the Provincial Scholarships Program. The SSA Program Guide has additional information about criteria and procedures related to this award. Information is available at Apprenticeship and Trades