CleanBC sets a pathway to a cleaner, better future. That means reducing carbon pollution. And using more clean, renewable energy to power our industry, businesses and homes.

Building a cleaner future means new opportunities for everyone. Whether it is to produce clean energy, renovate buildings or design new technologies, a cleaner future will help create good jobs, and support generations to come.

We asked to hear from you

As the clean economy grows, new jobs and professions will emerge. We will need new skills for workers across the province so that everyone benefits from a clean B.C.

Education and training opportunities need to keep up. And these opportunities need to be open to people in every corner of B.C. That means in rural and remote areas, in Indigenous communities, and in our cities.

We asked for your ideas on how to make the most of these opportunities, and to help us build a better B.C.

This public engagement was open from November 1 until November 29, 2019 at 4pm.

Your feedback will help us to have a cleaner, better B.C. for generations to come.

Read British Columbia’s Workforce Readiness For A Clean Economy Future report

Read the Phase 2 Labour Market Information Research Summary Report