A Message from Assistant Deputy Minister Lori Halls

In my professional and personal life, I’ve had many opportunities to be a volunteer and work with volunteers. Individuals’ commitment, strength and willingness to make a difference “because they can” are integral to any successful volunteer effort.
As the Assistant Deputy Minister of BC Parks and Conservation Officer Service, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work alongside folks in many capacities as park hosts, ecological reserve wardens, trail building and maintenance, beach clean up, etc.
I recently came back from an incredible trip to Haida Gwaii. Among the many, many things I learned, and stories that were told, one of them, the Flight of the Hummingbird, really resonated. Hummingbirds symbolize wisdom and courage. In the inspiring story of the Flight of the Hummingbird, which has its origins with both the Quichan people of South America and the Haida of the North Pacific, the hummingbird reminds us that power is not always about size. It is, however, always about commitment. Nothing could be more true of the incredible volunteer efforts in BC’s parks and protected areas.