We want to hear your romantic BC Parks stories!

BC Parks is collecting submissions for our Valentine’s Day blog post and we would like to feature your story.
We want to know: What has been your most romantic experience in BC Parks?
Stories can be as simple as:
“I went on my first date with my boyfriend in Goldstream Provincial Park. We hiked up Mount Finlayson and at the top of the mountain he surprised me with a picnic that he had hiked up the mountain. We had a great time and have been together since.”
To as romantic as:
“My now wife and I were walking along the beach in Porteau Cove in hopes to see a beautiful sunset, I was so nervous because I had planned to propose to her on our walk. We sat on some driftwood enjoying the view, and as the sun set I finally found the courage to get down on one knee and ask her to be my wife.”
Important details:
- Email your submission to marketingbcparks@gov.bc.ca
- Submissions are due Tuesday, February 9th at 4:00pm
- Stories are to be between 25-50 words
- If you have a photo along with the story, great!
- We ask that all submissions be family friendly
Although we enjoy reading everyone’s experiences, due to space limitations, we may not be able to publish all submissions.