Funding for community-led projects in parks now available!
BC Parks is pleased to announce we are now accepting applications for the 2024/25 Community Park Enhancement Fund (Community PEF). Revenue from the sale of BC Parks Licence Plates supports programs such as Community PEF.
BC Parks welcomes applications from Indigenous partners, community groups, and volunteers to support parks projects through Community PEF funding. For 2024/25, $300,000 is available across the province focused on conservation or recreation projects.
From volunteers to local scientists, Community PEF funding is a wonderful way for BC Parks to support our local parks partners. Learn more below about how to apply!

Click here for the application form due Friday May 31, 2024:
Eligibility Requirements
- Funding requests must not exceed $5,000 per project.
- Projects must be completed by March 31, 2025.
- Projects must be led by volunteers, Indigenous groups or community partner(s).
- Projects must take place in or be related to BC Parks.
- Applicants must have support for the project from local BC Parks staff prior to applying for funding.
- Projects must align with a relevant park management plan.
Projects must fit within one of the following categories:
- Conservation – research, invasive species removal, monitoring, restoration, etc.
- Recreation – trail and facility enhancements, interpretation/education, diversity and inclusion, community engagement and events, visitor experience, etc.
Who can apply?
- Indigenous partners
- Community groups
- BC Parks volunteers
- Academic researchers
- Non-profit organizations
- Park Operators

There has been a wide range of Community PEF projects funded in previous years that greatly enhance BC Parks and enriched the public’s enjoyment of parks while protecting cultural and conservation values.
Previously funded projects include:
- Butterfly Habitat Interpretive Garden Engagement, Kootenay Native Plant Society
- Lake Windermere Bank Swallow Monitoring and Education, Lake Windermere Ambassadors Society
- Watch for Wolverines Winter Recreation Signage, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
- Learn to Paddle Day Camp, Prince George Canoe Kayak Club
- Small River Caves Provincial Park Trail Improvements, Alberta Speleological Society
- Viking Meadows Plankway Project, Caledonia Ramblers Hiking Club
- Walk on the Wild Side, Stewart Public Library
- SkeenaWild Junior Parks Explorer Camps, SkeenaWild Conservation Trust
- The Summit Discover your BC Parks, Intellectual Disabilities Society
- High Lake 2023 Post-Treatment Vegetation Monitoring, Friends of Churn Creek Protected Area Society
- West Lakeshore Trail Riparian Protection, Shuswap Hut and Trail Alliance Society
- Clear the Coast 2023, Living Oceans Society
- Gerald Island Invasive Species Removal, BC Marine Trails
Questions on your application this year? Contact your local BC Parks employee or email