Predator Reduction
The Province of B.C. sought input from stakeholders, interest groups and the citizens of BC on a five-year approval for continued predator reduction to support the recovery of woodland caribou.
Your input will help inform the Province’s decision making process. The feedback will be provided to the Statutory Decision Maker for consideration prior to decision.
Engagement timelines: September 15th – November 15th, 2021 (complete)
Predator Reduction
Predator reduction is being considered by the British Columbia Caribou Recovery Program to support the recovery of the Columbia North, Central Selkirks, Hart Ranges, Itcha-Ilgachuz, Graham, Tweedsmuir-Entiako, Pink Mountain, Chinchaga, North Cariboo Mountains, Klinse-za, Kennedy Siding, Narraway and Quintette caribou herds.
Direct management (i.e., reduction) of predators has the most rapid effect as a short-term, emergency action. These caribou herds cannot afford delays that could jeopardize ongoing recovery efforts and ultimately lead to declines to levels at which they could not be recovered.
The Province of B.C. sought input from partners, interest groups, and the citizens of B.C. on a five-year approval for continued predator reduction (wolves and cougars) to support the recovery of woodland caribou populations.
The online questionnaire was open September 15th to November 15th, 2021 and focused on:
- caribou recovery in general
- predator reduction
- participant demographics
In addition, consultation occurred with 46 First Nations, and potentially impacted tenure holders. This consultation was out of scope of the online engagement process and is not included in the “what we heard” document.
What We Heard Report
This report documents the engagement process and presents key themes that emerged from that engagement.
Updated February 2022: corrected error on page 10
Frequently asked questions
The Frequently Asked Questions page was updated throughout the engagement process to be responsive to common questions that arise.
Next Steps
Your input will help inform the Province’s decision making process. The feedback will be provided to the Statutory Decision Maker for consideration prior to decision.