What is this engagement about?
As part of B.C.’s modernization of emergency management legislation, the Province is creating new regulations for post-emergency financial assistance (often referred to as “disaster financial assistance” or “DFA”) and local authority emergency management.
Timeline: October 12 to January 31, 2024
How to participate
Participants were asked to comment on questions about post-emergency financial assistance, provide a written submission, or attend a virtual workshop.
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies for residential tenants
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies for homeowners
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies for Indigenous Peoples living on reserve lands
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies to improve cultural safety for all applicants
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies for small businesses
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies for farm operations
Re-imagining financial assistance after emergencies for local governments
Written Submissions
feedback was requested on the Re-imagining Financial Assistance After Emergencies discussion paper or the Regulations for Local Authorities discussion paper.
How your contribution makes a difference
Your feedback will help inform the development of new regulations for post-emergency financial assistance and local authority emergency management. The Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness is targeting 2024 for completion of both regulations.
To align with federal initiatives and provide time for in-depth analysis of complex issues, some aspects of the regulatory updates for post-emergency financial assistance will be completed in a second phase, targeting 2025.