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Survey is open until March 14
Dates: January 14 to March 14, 2025
Who: BC Parks, Taku River Tlingit First Nation
What: A management plan for Atlin/Áa Tlein Téix̱’i Park and the Willison Creek – Nelson Lake/Sít’ Héeni Conservancy
Where: Northern B.C.
Why: To set a long-term, strategic direction for both protected areas
How: Online
Engagement summary
BC Parks and Taku River Tlingit First Nation will be collaboratively writing a management plan for these protected areas and would like to hear from the public during our initial planning phase. A single management plan will be prepared for both protected areas due to their adjacency and similarities in their natural values, ecosystems, and interest holders.
For more information, visit the BC Parks webpage.
How your contribution makes a difference
We want to hear what you think. Let our team know what is important to you about these places and how you would like to see them managed.