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Who: the Ministry of Forests
What: To gather feedback
Where: Province-wide
Why: To improve the forest sector within the Interior
How: Online, written proposals, direct engagement with those affected
Engagement Summary
The B.C. government asked British Columbians for their ideas on how to create or change current policies (including legislation and regulation), and advance partnerships to support a vibrant, diverse forest sector for B.C.’s Interior. This engagement was conducted through an online survey, written proposals and a direct engagement with those most interested.
With the goal of improving the long-term success of the Interior forest sector, four objectives were set out in the Discussion Paper to inform the engagement process:
- A globally competitive forest sector
- Resilient communities and workforce
- Reconciliation with Indigenous communities
- Sustainable forest management
- 92 written submissions
- 4471 visits to the engagement site
- 500 completed online feedback forms
- 36 community sessions throughout the interior of the Province including 5 with interested First Nations governments and 3 First Nations focused meetings co-hosted with the First Nations Forestry Council.
The input helped to gather ideas about what the future of the forest sector should look like. Read the What We Heard Report.
Interior Renewal has a second but distinct engagement opportunity called the Timber Supply Area Coalitions. Forest company leaders have the opportunity to collaborate with Indigenous leaders, local government leaders, and labour leaders in areas where they operate to develop localized solutions to ensure a competitive future forest sector. This coalition forming process was launched at the same time as the broader engagement process and will continue forward at the local level.
For more information, visit the Interior Forest Sector Renewal Engage website.