Who: The Ministry of Forests
What: A timber supply review of the Kispiox Timber Supply Area
Where: Skeena region
Why: See Objectives
How: Written submissions
Engagement summary
B.C. reviews the timber supply for all timber supply areas (TSA) and tree farm licences (TFL). This review for the Kispiox Timber Supply Area examines current forest management practices and their impacts on:
- Timber supply
- Economy
- Environment
- Social conditions
The Kispiox Timber Supply Area (TSA) is located in northwestern British Columbia in the Skeena Region.
Based on this review, the chief forester will determine a new allowable annual cut (AAC) for the Kispiox Timber Supply Area.
Objectives of the Timber Supply Review are to:
- Examine management practices
- Examine environmental and social factors
- Receive input from First Nations, forest licensees, and the public
- Set a new Allowable Annual Cut for the Kispiox TSA
How your contribution makes a difference
Read the discussion paper (PDF, 5MB)
Public input is a vital part of determining an allowable annual cut. Feedback is welcomed on any aspect of the discussion paper, as well as any issues related to the Timber Supply Review for the Kispiox TSA.
The discussion paper provides a summary of the timber supply analysis conducted for Kispiox TSA. Details about the analysis are provided in a January 2023 Data Package (PDF, 2MB)
More information on the timber supply review process (PDF, 300KB)
More technical detail is available upon request from the Ministry of Forests (Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch) at Forests.AnalysisBranchOffice@gov.bc.ca
Input received from this engagement will be used to inform the allowable annual cut for the Kispiox TSA.