Labour Relations Code Review 2024
Who: The Ministry of Labour, the Labour Relations Code Review Panel, Indigenous parties, interested groups and people in B.C.
What: Reviewing the Labour Relations Code
Where: Province-wide
Why: To properly reflect the needs and interests of workers, employers and modern workplaces
How: Email and in-person
Engagement summary
Appointed in January 2024, the Labour Relations Code Review Panel is reviewing the Labour Relations Code to ensure B.C.’s labour laws keep up with the needs of today’s workplaces and are consistent with the rights and protections enjoyed by other Canadians.
The Labour Relations Code governs labour relations between provincially regulated employers, their workers and trade unions, and the rules for issues related to collective bargaining, such as how workers join unions, how employers and unions interact, and how labour disputes are resolved.
The Labour Relations Code Review Panel is assessing issues from the perspective of providing stable labour relations and supporting people’s collective bargaining rights. The Panel is approaching the review in an independent, impartial and balanced manner.
The Panel is tasked with providing recommendations to government by August 31, 2024 on potential amendments to the Labour Relations Code.
Between now and the end of May 2024, the Panel is reaching out to interest groups throughout the province and inviting them to make submissions. This includes workers, labour organizations, business/industry groups, Indigenous groups, the legal profession, and the public.
Submissions to date that have been sent to the review panel on potential amendments to the Labour Relations Code include:
- Package #1: formal submissions (PDF, 28MB)
- Package #2: replies received based on submissions (PDF, 15MB)
How you can contribute
Letters from the panel to the community (PDF, 1MB)
The Panel is interested in your views regarding any changes to the Code you believe are necessary in order to properly reflect the needs and interests of workers and employers and today’s modern workplaces.
By email
Please email Email submission closed on 4:30 p.m., March 22, 2024.
Responses will be subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and may be made public. If so, personal identifiers will be removed before responses are released.
If you would like to remain anonymous, please do not include your name or other personal information in your submission.
In-person meetings
In addition to emailed submissions, the panel will consult with interested individuals and groups either in person or virtually based on expressions of interest and logistical considerations.
People or organizations not filing written submissions may attend a public hearing but will only be permitted to make an oral submission if time permits.
Please email indicating which public meeting you will attend. Expression of interest was closed on 4:30 p.m., March 22, 2024.
Dates and locations for in-person meetings:
- April 26 – Vancouver, Pinnacle Harbourfront, 1133 W. Hastings
- May 1 – Kelowna, Coast Capri Hotel, 1171 Harvey Ave.
- May 2 – Victoria, Hotel Grand Pacific, 463 Belleville St.
- May 6 – Surrey, Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel 15269 104th Ave.
- May 7 – Vancouver, Pinnacle Harbourfront, 1133 W. Hastings
Latest speakers list for in-person hearings (PDF, 100KB)
Dates for virtual meetings:
- April 25 – Preference given to speakers from Prince George, Terrace, Fort St. John, Courtney, Cranbrook, and Kamloops
How your contribution makes a difference
Your input will be considered alongside a review of recent labour law changes in other jurisdictions. These will inform the Panel’s recommendations to government.
Learn more
- Read the February 1, 2024 Labour Relations Code review News Release
- Learn more about the Labour Relations Code review in 2018
- View the Labour Relations Code