Who: The Ministry of Forests
What: A pilot project forest landscape plan for the Sunshine Coast Timber Supply Area and a portion of the Pacific Timber Supply Area
Where: Sunshine Coast
Why: Learn the values local communities place on forest ecosystems to inform future forest management directives
How: Online, in-person
Engagement summary
Squamish, shishalh, Tla’amin, Homalco, and Klahoose Nations and the Province of British Columbia are working in full partnership for the co-development and co-management of the Sunshine Coast Forest Landscape Plan (FLP). Now that the engagement period has closed, the Sunshine Coast FLP will develop forest management strategies. informed by the values First Nations and local communities place on the forest ecosystems within the Sunshine Coast FLP area.
Please note that this engagement is regarding the Sunshine Coast FLP and is not linked to the periodic timber supply review process.
Find more information:
- Visit the Forest Landscape Plan pilot project website
- Read the Sunshine Coast FLP public engagement FAQ (PDF,5MB)
- November 23, 2023 news release
How your contribution makes a difference
One of the goals of FLP public engagement is to help inform the development of the Sunshine Coast FLP. All comments and survey results will be published in an Engagement Summary Report on the Sunshine Coast FLP Pilot Project web. The values that First Nations and local communities place on forest ecosystems will be considered in the development of the FLP. A draft FLP will then be developed in the spring of 2024 and will be posted on govTogetherBC to provide a second opportunity for feedback.
Engagement Summary Report (PDF, 1MB)