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Survey is open until March 31
Dates: February 11 to March 31, 2025
Who: BC Parks, Ka:yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ First Nations
What: A management plan to guide the management of Tahsish-Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve
Where: North Vancouver Island
Why: To protect an important area of the Ka:yu:’k’t’h’ Tyee Hawilth territory
How: Online
Engagement summary
The draft management plan (PDF, 26MB) was developed through the collaborative work between BC Parks and the Ka:yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ First Nations (KCFNs). This ongoing collaboration is an important factor in contributing to the ability of the Ka:yu:’k’t’h’ First Nation to survive and prosper within their traditional territory. This management plan provides an understanding of the cultural, spiritual, archaeological, historic, and current importance of the protected areas to KCFNs.
The management plan:
- Articulates the key features and significance of Tahsish-Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve
- Provides information and clarity on the importance of Tahsish-Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve to KCFNs
- Identifies appropriate types and levels of management activities and protection
- Determines appropriate levels of use and development
- Establishes a long-term vision and management objectives for Tahsish-Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve
- Responds to current and predicted threats and opportunities by defining a set of management strategiesto achieve the management vision and objectives
For more information, visit the BC Parks webpage.
How your contribution makes a difference
Input from stakeholders and the community is essential to this process. We want to know how you use Tahsish-Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve, your perspectives on the park, and your ideas for the future. Your input will help inform the management of Tahsish-Kwois Park and Tahsish River Ecological Reserve.
This plan and process will inform the Mount Seymour management plan, which was developed through the collaborative work between BC Parks and the Ka:yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ First Nations (KCFNs).