What is this engagement about?
Through consultation and cooperation with First Nations and through engagement with industry, local governments, environmental non-government organizations, and all interested groups we seek to reform the Mineral Tenure Act in alignment with the principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Working together
Engagement is an open, transparent process designed to provide multiple opportunities – through a variety of channels – for people to learn about Mineral Tenure Act reform, speak up about it, and help to inform it.
Working together, we can modernize the Mineral Tenure Act while maintaining a vibrant mineral exploration and mining sector that continues to contribute to reconciliation and economic prosperity for everyone.
Engagement approach
Learn more about our approach to engaging with First Nation Rights Holders, First Nations organizations and all interested groups and people in B.C.
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Next steps
This website will be updated regularly. Please check back for more information on how to participate.