What was this engagement about?
The Province is taking the first steps on a multi-year journey to advance a provincial Filipino cultural centre in B.C. and sought input on a vision for a new centre that will meet community needs.
Timeline: May 31, 2024 to December 31, 2024
A place for community to come together in British Columbia.
We will continue to work with and engage local Filipino Canadian organizations and communities in B.C., and all British Columbians, on a vision for a centre that is led by, supports, and responds to the needs of the Filipino Canadian community in B.C.
The Province is committed to working in consultation with communities to advance this project.
The Province launched an initial engagement process that will inform a vision for a new cultural centre in B.C. that will celebrate the culture and contributions of the Filipino Canadian community.
“Our multicultural society is B.C.’s strength and the contributions of the Filipino community in B.C. are an important part of our province’s history, culture and success. Having a Filipino cultural centre where the community can connect and share their heritage has been a dream of the Filipino community in B.C. for a long time, and it’s exciting to support the work towards making this vision a reality.”
– Lana Popham, former Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.
Work to date
In March 2023, the Province awarded the Mabuhay House Society $250,000 to support Government’s preliminary engagement planning for a provincial Filipino cultural centre. This work was completed in March 2024. The Province worked with community organizations and amplified a survey and engagement website to inform the vision of a provincial Filipino cultural centre.
Project timeline:
- Community organization leaders roundtable #1 – August 10, 2023
- Community organization leaders roundtable #2 – September 28, 2023
- Community organization leaders roundtable #3 – February 15, 2024
Did you know?
- Filipinos have a long history in British Columbia dating back to the 1880s, when a small community lived on Bowen Island.
- More than 170,000 Filipino Canadians call the province home and are one of the fastest growing communities in B.C.
- Filipino Canadians live throughout B.C. and they have established hundreds of formal and informal community-serving groups and organizations that support community connection and needs throughout the province.
“Establishing a Filipino cultural centre has been a passion of mine ever since I was first elected and I am thrilled to see it move closer to being a reality. I encourage everyone to share their ideas and thoughts during the engagement process. That way, we can make sure this cultural centre captures the diversity, vibrancy and resiliency of the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos who call B.C. home.”
– Mable Elmore, Parliamentary Secretary for Anti-Racism Initiatives.
Online survey
A public online survey was open for feedback until December 31, 2024.
Send an email
If you have questions or would like to submit your feedback by email, please contact provincialfilipinoculturalcentre@gov.bc.ca