In November 2011, the Province initiated a Columbia River Treaty Review (Treaty Review) process to evaluate future decision options, including possible continuation, amendment or termination of the Columbia River Treaty. The Treaty Review included separate public and First Nations consultations as well as environmental, social, economic, legal and technical analyses. The review process resulted in a recommendation to the BC government in December 2013 on the future of the Treaty, which, in turn, led to the BC Decision: to continue the Columbia River Treaty and seek improvements within its existing framework.

United States Treaty Review

In December 2013 the U.S. Entity (Bonneville Power Administration and the U.S. Corps of Engineers) delivered its final recommendation to the U.S. Department of State.

U.S. Columbia River Treaty Review Regional Recommendations to U.S. Department of State

In the fall of 2016, the U.S. Department of State completed their review of the final recommendations and decided to proceed with negotiations to modernize the Treaty.