Blog Post #8 – Thank you for your feedback

mary_polakThank you all for taking the time to share your ideas and insights on B.C.’s proposed new Water Sustainability Act. British Columbians are clearly passionate about water, and we appreciate the time you took to review the legislative proposal and send us your thoughts.

Over the four-week comment period, the website was visited more than 12,000 times. The average time spent on the website per visitor was six minutes. Based on the very thoughtful submissions, I expect the time spent reading the proposal or overview document took much longer.

Ministry staff are busy reviewing the comments as we prepare the legislation. The final draft legislation will be formally introduced into the B.C. legislature in spring 2014. Your feedback will also help guide us as we develop regulations and implement the new act in the months and years ahead.

Many of the comments submitted on the blog and through email considered the current fees and charges for water use as insufficient. As this is such a complex issue with strong and diverse opinions among the public and stakeholders, we will be engaging specifically on rental fees and charges as a separate discussion from the proposed act. Stay tuned to this blog for opportunities to participate in this discussion in the new year.

The Water Sustainability Act will benefit all British Columbians – our communities and families, our environment and our economy. Thank you again for participating.

Mary Polak
Minister of Environment